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MySQL Prepared Statements

4 minute read

MySQL Prepared Statements are the queries or statements they are prepared in a way that they can be used later on. They are complied while on creation and ca...

Deploying Image Manipulation Tool in Heroku

1 minute read

In this part, we explore Deploying Image Manipulation tool in Heroku because it is a cloud application platform which gives us the flexibility to deploy our ...

Building Image Merger Web Tool In Python

4 minute read

Image Merger tool is also useful just like the image size reducer tool. Lets take an example where is it needed, suppose we are about to fill some applicatio...

Building Image Size Reducer In Python

6 minute read

Image size reducer is much needed tool these days because most site wants us to upload various documents in the form of image but with the size limit. Modern...

Making Fractal Shapes with Python

6 minute read

Fractals are the continuous and never ending patterns that can be seen in the nature. But its quite different than the classical geometry in the sense of con...