
Smoke Simulation: Experiments in Generating and Augmenting Smoke

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This project showcases my experiments in simulating smoke effects using both JavaScript and Python. The project utilizes and extends two open-source libraries to demonstrate smoke generation in various contexts, including interactive demos, image augmentation, and video processing. For playground, please visit here.


This project is an educational exploration, and I am not an expert in JavaScript. The implementation builds on the following two projects, which have been modified to suit the goals of this project:

Credits: A huge thanks to the original authors for their incredible work.

Why am I doing this?

Click to expand ### **Short Answer** For fun! ### **Long Answer** As an engineer working on computer vision applications, I frequently need to train models in diverse environments. One challenging scenario is generating realistic smoky environments, which are difficult to replicate in real-time, especially when high-quality, dynamic simulations are needed for training. To solve this problem, I created this tool to simulate smoke effects and integrate them into various projects—whether for training models or enhancing visual effects. This solution allows for more control, flexibility, and realism when simulating smoke, and it's fun to build and experiment with!

Use Cases

Click to expand ### **Smoke Overlaying** For the vision applications running in smokey environment, this tool can generate smokey frames on demand by overlaying smoke on a single clean image. ### **Smoke Segmentation** This might not be that important but I was trying to build a model that could reconstruct a clean image from a smokey one and I used the segmentation mask and history generated from this tool in that project.



  1. git clone
  2. cd SmokeSim
  3. pip install .


pip install smokesim

Please make an issue if it failed.


JavaScript Version

Playground is available here.

This demo showcases real-time smoke effects on a web-based canvas:

How to Run:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Start a local HTTP server in the project directory to avoid CORS errors. For example:
    python examples/

    (This uses examples/ adapted from this gist.)

  3. Navigate to http://localhost:8003/js_demo/index.html.


PyGame Version

This demo uses PyGame to simulate smoke effects with interactive mouse controls:


PyGame Demo

How to Run:

  1. Execute the following command:

Using this for Image Augmentation

This project also supports generating smoke effects for use in image augmentation. The smokesim Python module allows for realistic smoke overlays on static images.


from smokesim.augmentation import Augmentation

import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path

if __name__ == "__main__":
    WIDTH, HEIGHT = 700, 500
    augmentation = Augmentation(image_path=None, screen_dim=(WIDTH, HEIGHT))
    smoke_machine = augmentation.smoke_machine
    augmentation.add_smoke(dict(particle_count=15, sprite_size=25, origin=(250, 500)))
    augmentation.add_smoke(dict(particle_count=15, sprite_size=25, origin=(450, 500)))

    for i in range(5):
                origin=(np.random.randint(100, WIDTH), np.random.randint(100, HEIGHT)),
                    "min_lifetime": 200,
                    "max_lifetime": 500,
                    "min_scale": 10,
                    "max_scale": 50,
                    "fade_speed": 50,
                    "scale": 50,
                    "smoke_sprite_size": 50,
                    "color": smoke_machine.color,


Using this With Video

To do


If you find this project to be interesting and want to add changes, please add your changes and make the push request. Or you can make an issue for that.